Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Totally confused.

I am so technically challenged. Sure hope the buttons I pushed didn't upload my posts to FB cuz I don't really want most of my friends and family to read my innermost thoughts. Oh, well, trust in the Universe, I suppose.

I am so looking forward to Springtime. Wish I had a little greenhouse to get things started. I get so much enjoyment from my little garden. It's the main reason I don't want to move.

I do, however, want the kids to move out. It's not that I don't love them; I just need my own space back. I feel lost and out of sorts. I have no privacy, no peace. It is no longer my home, my refuge. I feel as if I've been placed on hold and forgotten. I have no authority. Everything is just nasty and disorganized. It will take weeks to clean and repair.

Thinking I need to recast protection spells around the house, but I want to wait til they move out and do a thorough saging. Lots of negative energy built up within these walls. Full moon Friday night, wish I could be off work and do a little magic.