Wednesday, January 23, 2013

She's back...

Sara is back at Texaco. Hurray! Maybe now we can leave the drama behind and get on with it like normal people. It was a rough start, however. I don't get to bed til sometime around midnight and in the wee hours of Saturday morning my phone wrenches me from a deep sleep. It's Sara calling because the register will not turn on. I'm like, well, it was working when I left. I don't know what to tell you. Turns out I was her first phone call. I'm just a lowly cashier.

I finally get back to sleep and have this strange dream. Stranger still is that I even remember the dream. Taking this sleep medication I never remember dreams. I dreamt that I was at work and the register and credit card machines were out. I was trying t o figure out how to get the extension cord out so I could move the calculator to the front counter. Then I was trying to write down everything I sold with the price. I figured out that I only needed to write the actually item down if it was beer or oil. Now the dream itself is nothing odd or exciting; that comes much later.

I have never had a prophetic dream in my life til now. When I finally make it into work Leslie and Sara are there, along with a technician. All the electronics are down including gas because the register keys the gas pump. So, we're all joking around and I'm hugging Sara, welcoming her back. They're telling me about the crazy morning and I start to tell them about this dream. They both start laughing. I can't get behind the counter because there's no room so, I'm standing at the end of the counter and my view is blocked by a candy rack. I ask what's so funny and they both point down to the counter. I step around the rack and there is the calculator and two pieces of paper, one labeled grocery, the other beer where she had been recording her sales. Whoa! Now that's fucked up. Actually, it was exciting. It was cool. I hope it happens again.

But, back to Sara. I really am quite delighted she's back. I know she's not all that organized and all but I also know she won't let Leslie get the best of her. She'll put her in her place. That can only be an improvement. The old energy back, the lighthearted, joking, just enjoying life kind of atmosphere.

None too pleased with our President, Mr. Obama. Seems his plan to up the taxes on the most wealthy isn't working out quite like one might expect. Opened my pay stub to discover more taxes being withheld. So, now I'm clearing less than $300 a week. Took me for an additional $8 bucks or so. Doesn't sound like much but, that's $8 more than I can afford. Hell, I barely get by as it is.

I consider myself patriotic in that I love this country and what it was founded on. I despise, even hate our government. We, as a people, have become so apathetic that we have ceded our rights and freedoms to the government who consider us ignorant. It's a systematic dumbing-down. We are heading for a Socialist Republic where we are completely dependent upon the government.

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