Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back to work

So, we were supposed to have an employee meeting Saturday, but now the meeting is off. Leslie spoke to Theresa and evidently she nixed the meeting. These people; I just don't get it. We could have gotten it all out in the open and started fresh. Burns Oil is a Peyton Place. They thrive on drama.

Spent the entire day in my room yesterday wallowing around my bed. I've apparently got a lovely case of head cold. Just hope it doesn't drop into my chest. Laureli gave me some Chinese medicine to help combat it.

You know, I am so lucky to have Kristi and Laureli in my life. It is my hope to expand my circle of friends this year. Sure would be easier if I had reliable transportation. I have presented the problem to the gods and I trust they will provide at the appropriate time.

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